Our next Zoom Series will begin Live on November 5, which some readers may know is Election Day here in the USA. This will be our Cosmic Activation Series in which we will greatly expand our self-healing tools by learning how to initiate & accelerate our own processes of Cellular Liberation & Activation within specific energy centers and body parts with the assistance of the Earthly, Galactic, & Cosmic Connections which we are now strengthening through our Meet Your Cosmic Family Zoom Series.
Most of these activations were initiated directly by the Arcturians for me to pass onto humanity, but a few were initiated by other races. Therefore, our Cellular Liberation Series & our Meet Your Cosmic Family Series are both prerequisites for our Cosmic Activation Series. Replays of all of our Series are available indefinitely, but it is good to jump in as early as possible in order to catch up to the Lives as we do recommend moving through our content in order as much as possible. As a reminder, our Special Offer All-Access Bundle options expire on October 1.
These series present an opportunity to further assist in this Planetary Shift by moving through your own Healing & Activation processes at an accelerated pace which will then ripple out through the Collective more than you can know. While it is important to move at your own pace, we deeply honor each and every one of you who have been Present every week of our MYCF Series anchoring entirely new frequencies into the Collective and sharing your experiences for the benefit of others. It is an honor to be facilitating this unprecedented work alongside all of you.
We are ZOOMing through our Online Series because we have so much more coming your way. After our Cosmic Activation Series, things get really fun because we get to move on to our Lightbody Training Series and eventually on to our Cosmic Embodiment Series! Before we do, it is imperative that we do not skip any steps by bypassing the very physical processes of letting go of the old & welcoming in the new on a Cellular Level.
We are clearly in the midst of the rapid dissolution of many old paradigms. This is why it feels so important to be anchoring entirely New Frequencies & Concepts into the Planetary Collective at this pivotal time. Shifting our focus from the dissolution of the Old to the anchoring of the New allows this transition to unfold much more smoothly, not only for ourselves, but also for the Collective at large.
Week 1, November 5, 2024:
Week 2, November 12, 2024:
Week 3, November 19, 2024:
Week 4, November 26, 2024:
Week 5, December 3, 2024:
Week 6, December 10, 2024:
Week 7:
Our Cosmic Activation Series can be accessed through our Thinkific Platform. Scroll down to the bottom of our Thinkific homepage to become an all-access Thinkific Pod Member. There are currently twelve different Payment Options ranging from four monthly payments of 55 USD as part of our Special Offer (available until October 1) to one payment of 555 USD as a Pod Superstar. All payment options get full access to all Video Content, Live Zoom Gatherings, & Replays.
Live Zoom links will be posted in our Cosmic Activation Series on Thinkific and also emailed to all paid Thinkific members 24 hours in advance. Replays will be available on Thinkific for those who are not able to make the Live gatherings.
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© CosmicResonance.org by Laura Hazel