Our Cellular Liberation Series presents the basics of our work and is a prerequisite for all of our other present & future content. Mastering these techniques greatly assists you in aligning with your own highest timeline in full harmony with the Whole.
This series consists of several video topics, each of which contains a Transmission and at least one Guided Meditation or Exercise. Our Guided Meditations utilize the powerful Music of the Spheres which has been sung to me by different planets, moons, stars, and more which have been chosen by the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness to be most conducive for each process.
Here is what you will find freely available in the Cellular Liberation Series of our Thinkific Platform:
Cellular Liberation & Activation
- Transmission
- Spheres within Spheres: Our Known Stretch of the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness
- Guided Meditation to the Music of Maio a.k.a Enceladus, a very special moon of Saturn.
- Root Chakra Opening & Activation (Hip Stretches) for greater Presence, Grounding, and Energy Flow.
Clearing Karmic Residue
- Transmission
- Guided Meditation to the Music of Arnahl a.k.a Saturn. This was also the song sung by Sirius B, Saikh (Deneb), and the Galactic Core itself, making it very powerful and one of my personal favorites.
Nervous System Rebalancing
- Transmission
- Guided Meditation to the Music of Amalia a.k.a Arcturus.
Harmonizing with the Whole
- Transmission
- An Exercise on Perspective
- Merging Soul Streams: Preparing for our Meet Your Cosmic Family Series & Unity Consciousness.
Clearing Energy Centers
- Transmission
- Guided Meditation to the Music of the Galactic Core.
There more Transmissions & Guided Meditations are very high on our list of things to co-create before our next Zoom Series begins on November 2.
You can sign up for our free Cellular Liberation Series on our Thinkific Home Page. Please move at your own pace and take plenty of time to integrate after each meditation & exercise.
All Rights Reserved. All content may be freely shared with credit to the author and a link to this website.
© CosmicResonance.org by Laura Hazel