Since our rendezvous over Salt Lake City on Saturday, July 13, the Arcturians have been emphasizing the importance of establishing a stronger connection between humanity and our Cosmic Family at a time when a major trajectory shift is needed for the Collective. This shift will not come by engaging in current earthly affairs in any way, but rather by bringing in something entirely new.
The Arcturians have asked me to host a Zoom series to do just that, and as this project took form, so many Cosmic Races have come forward in great excitement for this opportunity to connect consciously with their human families that we’ve had to split it up over 9 weeks… So for nine consecutive Tuesdays at 2pm EST (11am PST / 7pm UT), we will be co-creating a Quantum Field with other advanced Earthly, Galactic, and Cosmic races with whom we all share a portion of our multidimensional DNA.
Week 1 will set the stage by establishing a Cosmic-Level Connection via the Tree Spheres, and over the following seven weeks, we will be connecting and merging consciousness with two other races each day using a 3-step method with which we have had a 100% success rate in both in-person gatherings and remote sessions.
Weeks 1-9 are expected to run between 3 and 4 hours of linear time. There will be an opportunity for participants to share their experiences after connecting with each race, and it is here that we really begin to learn from one another as each person’s connections and experiences are entirely unique. Sharing often brings a greater level of insight to the involvement of each race and your experience can also be key to unlocking a deeper and more expansive experience for others.
For those signing up after August 13, we do encourage you to watch Week 1 first because not only do we move through a couple of Presence exercises for a greater level of receptivity to our Cosmic Family, we also create a unified Quantum Field to be utilized throughout our series. After Week 1, we do recommend moving through the replays in the order in which they are presented as much as you are able to. Week 3 is also a prerequisite to assure that we are fully anchoring these frequencies within the depths of our conscious experience.
In Week 1, we will do some basic exercises to assure a greater level of Presence during these gatherings before deepening and expanding our connection with the Tree Spheres. As direct conduits of the Infinite Spiral of Creation, Trees serve as Gaia’s Organic Antennae for communication and mergence with greater Spheres of Consciousness and all beings resonating in full harmony with the Whole.
The Dolphins and the Arcturians are the two primary races assisting in this Collective Shift in Consciousness on both a Planetary and a Galactic Level. The focus of their efforts is on Healing and Higher Communication and they carry a palpable frequency of Uncondional Love and Non-Judgement, all of which are very necessary in order to move through this planetary transition with the most ease and grace.
The focus of week 3 is the Red Ray, most commonly associated with the root chakra and our sense of Presence which have been constricted and convoluted for a very long stretch of linear time. The Yeti and the Winagi are both humanoid races who have quietly held the highest harmonic form of the Red Ray until such time that humanity is able to work through enough distortion to enable a reconnection with these gentle yet powerful frequencies in order to hold harmonic space upon the Red Ray once again.
The Cosmic Felines and the Cosmic Whales are the Cosmic Guardians of The Lands and Seas, respectively. Here we will connect with both their Earthly representatives and their Galactic aspects. The Whales are the oversouls of the Dolphins, and we will discuss the interplay between the Cosmic Felines, the Lyran Humanoid-Felines, Humanity, and others.
Here we will continue to strengthen our Cosmic Connections beyond the Humanoid Template. The Elephants and the Dragons are both Cosmic Founding Races who hold a very high level of Wisdom. Whereas the Elephants function in full benevolence and carry a very grounding energy, the Dragons span the greatest frequency range of any Cosmic race. Therefore, a greater spectrum of multidimensional discernment is necessary when connecting with them.
The Cosmic Wolves are the oversouls of all Canines including dogs and have a high level of resonance with the Sirian star system on a galactic level. The Cosmic Bears have a very nurturing energy and care deeply for this planet. On a galactic level, they hold resonance with Ursa Major, the Great Bear constellation, part of which forms what we know as the Big Dipper.
The Pegasi and the Unicorns are both high-frequency Equine races who are working to uplift humanity and the Earth. While the Pegasi carry more Galactic-level frequencies, the Unicorns function in full harmony with the Infinite Spiral of Creation, and this is clearly represented by their spiral horns. Here, we will tune into their subtle yet interconnected energy signatures and allow them to further uplift our own frequencies.
The Golden Ones and the Andromedans are High-Frequency Galactic Humanoid Beings who hold two very different frequencies and have very different lessons to teach us. These will be very expansive connections, and this gathering will take place ten years to the day from my initial activation by the Dolphins on October 1, 2014 🤍
The Pleiadians have been quite persistent in coming forward to be a part of this series, and Sirius is home to many different races, including a number of aquatic ones. Sirius and the Pleiades are relatively young star systems in close proximity to the Earth, which is billions of years older than both of them combined. I am learning that Galactic civilizations relocate to other Star Systems quite frequently, so the roots of some of these civilizations may surprise us. We’ll get a lot more of the story in Week 9.
Our Meet Your Cosmic Family Series can be accessed through our Thinkific Platform. Scroll down to the bottom of our Thinkific homepage to become an all-access Thinkific Pod Member. There are currently twelve different Payment Options ranging from four monthly payments of 55 USD as part of our Special Offer (expires October 1) to one payment of 555 USD as a Pod Superstar.
It is recommended to have moved through our first four Cellular Liberation Transmissions & Guided Meditations for a greater level of receptivity to our Cosmic Family 🤍
Live Zoom links will be posted in our Meet Your Cosmic Family Series on Thinkific and also emailed to all paid Thinkific members 24 hours in advance. Replays of Weeks 1-9 will be available on Thinkific for those who are not able to make the Live gatherings.
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© by Laura Hazel