After three years in gestation, the Cosmic Resonance Team and I are pleased to begin rolling out our video content. These transformative video series will be hosted mostly on Thinkific where we move beyond simply sharing our content and build a community of highly resonant Soul Family in a sacred space where we can all grow together. A shift of this magnitude has never occurred elsewhere in the Cosmos, and because each person is experiencing it differently, there is much to learn by sharing our experiences with one another in a safe and supportive environment.
A few of these videos expand upon some next-level concepts which are already out there, but mostly, they are introducing radically new concepts and perspectives. A few key videos from these series will be shared to YouTube and Facebook in order to support the Collective. Below is an overview of each series with a link to a tentative outline of the topics discussed and where they will be shared over the course of the next year or two. Most topics will include a Guided Meditation or exercise in a separate video. There is some free preview content to let you get a feel for the series.
This series brings a greater level of awareness to the physical and energetic healing & activation processes that many of us are moving through on a cellular level as this Shift in Consciousness accelerates within physicality. Designed to bridge our seen and unseen inner and outer worlds, this series is co-created primarily with the Dolphins and the Arcturians.
Tentative Cellular Liberation Series Outline
Our non-human family is eager to assist in the Healing & Harmonization of Humanity due to the rippling effects that each individual process has upon the Whole. This series will further activate the DNA we share with our Cosmic Family, familiarize you with the frequencies of different Cosmic Races (All of whom have Earthly representatives), and get you on a first-name basis with your Cosmic & Galactic aspects of Self to further assist you through your processes.
Tentative Cosmic Family Series Outline
This Series is a continuation of our Cellular Liberation series which will focus on specific body parts with direct assistance from our Cosmic Family.
Tentative Cosmic Activation Series Outline
Please assure that you are familiar with the Traditional Chakra System in preparation for the following two series:
The Traditional Chakra System is extremely limiting and is quickly becoming incompatible with the level of energy we are beginning to channel through our bodies. The Team and I utilize an upgraded system of 16 energy centers, all of which are located within the physical body, and 16 different energies, each corresponding to a different Cosmic Ray or color. Expanding upon the Traditional Chakra System, this series discusses each of the 16 energy centers and each of the 16 Cosmic Rays individually.
Lightbody Training Series Outline
The 16 Cosmic Rays are not limited to any particular energy centers. For Healing and Harmonization purposes, it is helpful to move different energies through chakras which they have not traditionally been associated with. As we do this, we are slowly building our Lightbody. These embodiments also enable us to embody frequencies which may be more familiar to us beyond our human forms. This series will discuss in detail the 16 Primary Embodiments, give an overview of the 16 Secondary Embodiments, and will touch briefly upon the fully integrated 16D Rainbow Lightbody.
Cosmic Embodiment Series Outline
Journey with the Wales to different lunar, planetary, solar, and Galactic Spheres of Consciousness. There will be a Transmission and a guided meditation journey with music channeled directly from each Sphere of Consciousness we will be visiting together.
All other topics and exercises which are not connected to any other subject as well as all Video Updates will be shared here.
You choose your level of support for the future of Cosmic Resonance! All payment options have permanent access to our full video library and Pod Forum on Thinkific. All video content will be recorded and shared immediately to Thinkific from May 1, 2024 until series completion. To select a payment plan, choose a support option and use the drop-down menu on the Bundle page. You can preview our Thinkific Home Page, view some free content, & sign up directly at
or use the links below to register.
One payment of $444,
Two payments of $222,
or four payments of $111
One payment of $333
or three payments of $111
One payment of $222
or two payments of $111
One payment of $145
Offer expires June 1, 2024
Despite the order in which our videos appear on YouTube, to get the most out of this content, please watch the Transmissions before moving through the Guided Meditations.
Cellular Liberation
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
Clearing Karmic Residue
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Nervous System Rebalancing
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
Communicating with your Body
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Transmission: All Platforms
Exercise: Thinkific
The Infinite Spiral of Creation
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
Visualization & Clairvoyance
Transmission: Thinkific
Exercise: Thinkific
Clairaudience & Telepathy
Transmission: All Platforms
Exercise: Thinkific
The Moment of Birth
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Triune Brain
Transmission; Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Substances & Diet
Transmission: Thinkific
The Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Bodies
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Trauma Cords & Trauma Loops
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Karmic Cords & Power Cords
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Truths & Timelines
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
EMFs and the Body
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Illusion of Death
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Ancestral Healing
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Cellular Anomalies
Transmission: Thinkific
Soul Compartmentalization
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
“Past” Life Healing & Weaving
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
And more.
Cosmic Family Introduction
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
Cosmic Tree Connection
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
Meet Your Dolphin
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
The Arcturians
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
The Winagi (The Red People)
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Cosmic Felines
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Cosmic Whales
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Cosmic Dragons
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Cosmic Cephalopods
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Elephant Collective
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Pegasus Collective
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Unicorn Collective
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Cosmic Turtles
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Fish Collective
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Cosmic Wolves
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
The Cosmic Rays
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
And More.
Heart Activation & Expansion: Heart
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
Greater Integration Activation: Heart
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
Greater Alignment Activation: Back of the Neck & entire CNS
Transmission: All Platforms
Guided Meditation: All Platforms
Greater Clarity Activation: Lower & Upper Three Chakras
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Greater Ease Activation: Back, Neck, & Shoulders
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Greater Stability Activation: Hips & Pelvis
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Greater Presence Activation: Sacrum
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Greater Empowerment Activation: Solar Plexus
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Greater Purity Activation: Solar Plexus, Respiratory Diaphragm, Stomach, Liver, Spleen
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Greater Passion Activation: Lower Heart
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Harmonic Field Activation: High Heart
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Higher Truth Activation: Throat
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Greater Integrity Activation: Neck & Back
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Harmonic Core Activation: Base of Skull
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
Greater Harmony Activation: Skull
Transmission: Thinkific
Guided Meditation: Thinkific
And More.
Lightbody Training Introduction
All Platforms
16 Energy Centers
16 individual Transmissions: Thinkific
Guided Meditations: Thinkific
16 Cosmic Rays
Introduction: Thinkific
8 Primary Rays: Thinkific
8 Secondary Rays: Thinkific
Printable Material
Cosmic Embodiment Introduction
All Platforms
8 Primary Ascending Embodiments
8 Individual Transmissions on Thinkific
8 Primary Descending Embodiments
8 Individual Transmissions on Thinkific
An Overview of the Secondary Embodiments
The Fully Integrated 16D Lightbody
Printable Material
All Rights Reserved. All content may be freely shared with credit to the author and a link to this website.
© by Laura Hazel