We are currently approaching a Solar Maximum of unparalleled intensity as the Sun emits unprecedented levels of Cosmic Light through increasingly frequent Solar Flares. Increased solar energy may strain the physical body in a variety of ways, particularly in regards to the electromagnetic balance of our nervous systems and of our cells in general, including our DNA itself.
Like a giant atom, the sun carries a positive charge while the planets around it carry a negative charge. Similarly, our hearts carry a positive charge and all of our cells carry a negative charge. When the sun discharges, both the Earth and all of our cells are bathed in positive ions, similar to that which happens when we are overloaded by artificial EMFs. This is why CMEs so often cause the same kind of effects as an overexposure to technology - exhaustion, sensitivity to Light and sound, headaches marked by tension at the back of the neck, muscle tension elsewhere in the body, the possibility of nausea, and dehydration.
Optimal hydration is essential, and so is restoring the negative ion levels within your cells to restore your overall electromagnetic balance, especially if you live in a more populated area which is already laden with artificial EMFs. This is when a water ionizer is key for high-energy Beings living in high-density areas to assist in riding these waves as opposed to being pummeled by them.
The Team was absolutely insistent that I purchase a water ionizer despite my initial hesitation. At the time I was filtering tap water through a Berkey and transmuting it using crystals and intention, but I became distinctly aware that it was not enough to meet my body’s needs. Looking back, I feel like my water ionizer saved my life. Not only does it filter all contaminants, including fluoride, it has three levels of alkalinity which quickly restore the negative ion levels within the body.
Artificial EMFs further destabilize water molecules because they are polarized. What ends up happening is that the water molecules clump together due to an imbalance of electromagnetic charges. These large, clumpy water molecules are then unable to penetrate our cells, so we can drink large volumes of this “dead” water and never become hydrated on a cellular level. Water ionizers separate these clumps back into stable individual molecules, which are then able to fully hydrate our cells. This is called “Live” water.
Neurons are also polarized and rely upon a delicate balance of positive and negative charges in order to properly signal one another as well as all other cells and systems in the body, which is why the nervous system is especially affected by both artificial EMFs and solar radiation, especially the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and especially the highly concentrated bundles of neurons at the back of the neck. The nervous system feeds directly into every muscle, gland, and organ in the body, so a strained nervous system may cause muscle tension and varying degrees of dysfunction of various glands and organs. The way that the Cosmic Light is anchoring within the planet and within the Collective looks very much like a giant nerve cell from a Cosmic perspective, and this is no coincidence.
As Cosmic Light continues to flood in, many are experiencing an increased intolerance to artificial EMFs because our harmonization processes require us to resonate more with the Earth and the Sun than with technology on a cellular and a molecular level. Given that the molecular makeup of our bodies is 99% water, the quality of water that we are taking in must be closer to the Live water found in fresh Springs than the chemically treated water sitting in water towers within multiple low-frequency EMFs which are often mounted right on top of them, and even more than bottled spring water which travels through countless artificial EMFs to reach us.
This increase in Solar and Cosmic Light is also Activating our DNA at an unprecedented rate in order to usher in the next stage of human evolution. The free radicals produced by pollution and artificial EMFs “steal” electrons from the negatively-charged ions which make up the backbone of our DNA causing deterioration and further upsetting our electromagnetic balance on a cellular and molecular level, as our DNA is located within the nucleus and the mitochondria every cell in our bodies which contain these structures. Replacing those negative ions is key to navigating this Shift within artificial EMFs by assuring that our DNA is receptive to these vast influxes of Light. Undergoing activation to fragmented DNA may cause an immense amount of strain on our bodies.
DNA with Phosphate ions circled
The official Solar Maximum of this Solar Cycle is not until the end of 2024, and artificial EMFs are still expanding. If we all lived in complete Harmony with the Earth with easy access to Live Water straight from the Source, we might receive this vast influx of Solar and Cosmic Light with much less difficulty. But if you are reading this content, then you are sitting within an artificial EMF, and unbeknownst to you, you are most likely sitting within 10 to 100 more that you are completely unaware of. If you’re sensitive to EMFs - the artificial EMFs of technology, the natural EMF of the sun, or both - I cannot recommend enough the purchase of a water ionizer. It has been 1000% worth it to me and my Soul Mission.
I have a Tyent, so this is the brand we will be discussing here. On all Tyent models, there are three levels of acidity, a neutral level, which is simply purified water, and three levels of alkaline water. Ideally, you should move slowly from the first level of alkaline water to the second and eventually to the third in order to allow your body to adjust because the shift which comes with drinking high quality, ionized water tends to have detoxing effects on the body. The instructions say to stay at each level for one month, but quite frankly, I did not have time for that. I knew that I was ready to upgrade when I kept turning the dial to the next level by “mistake”. I ended up staying on level one for a week and on level two for five days before moving on to level three, however I would advise you all to trust your own inner guidance.
You would also ideally have the unit in your kitchen, but we had to do the best we could with our current living situation. This is where the under-the-counter models can be great, although they do come with a higher price tag and usually require a hole to be drilled in the countertop. If you are currently settled in to a nice house, then this can also be a great selling point for the future, however I would imagine that most of you are like me and would prefer to be able to detach your units to take them with you to your next place of residence.
The acid water settings have a variety of functions from cleaning and disinfecting, saving you money and harmful chemical exposure from cleaning supplies, to removing pesticides from fruits and vegetables to save you money on buying organic. There are many other functions as well and your unit will come with a nice little booklet to give you some ideas. For me, it’s primary function remains for drinking water and cooking water, but I do use it for cleaning and disinfecting on occasion, especially when my phone needs a wipe.
I cannot begin to express how worth it this investment has been for me, and I find 12 months of a monthly payment of under $150 for my particular unit to be beyond worth it given the immense difference that I have felt in my body, my energy levels, my ability to hold my energy field in a wide variety of situations, and my ability to recover quickly when I overwork myself on multiple levels of existence, which is often. If your body has been struggling through this Frequency Shift, drinking Live Water will assist you immensely.
Visit the Tyent website at www.tyentusa.com or call 855-TYENT-US (855-893-6887). Once again, paymemt plans are available. All models come with a lifetime warranty and Tyent has excellent customer service. I am not affiliated with this company, I am just looking out for my family. Unfortunately this company does not deliver outside of the US (and possibly Canada - it is worth a try), so if you are located elsewhere, finding a local company will be well worth your time.
Given that it takes time to work your way up to level 3 alkalinity (or whatever the highest level is on your brand), it is wise to order as soon as possible so that your body can be prepared for the next Solar event.
With Great Love from Hazel & the Cosmic Resonance Team
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© CosmicResonance.org by Laura Hazel