Our Sunday Zoom Gatherings are accessible through our Thinkific platform. Replays will be posted in our new Advanced Series. If you do not have an Advanced Pod Membership, a Pilot Pod Membership, or a Forever Pod Membership, you can drop in for a $10 minimum donation.
We ask that you have begun moving through our previous Cellular Liberation content (also available on Thinkific) before attending our Live Zoom Gatherings. This introduces you to the basics of our co-creative work and helps to build your level of receptivity, resonance, and harmony with the group and with our content itself.
It is also necessary to have established a strong, heart-based connection with a Tree Friend which calls to you. We will be starting every meeting with our Cosmic Tree Connection to kick off each Gathering in full Harmony with the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness. It is helpful to strengthen your Tree Connection within physicality so that you can easily connect and merge at any time energetically. Just do what you can out there in winter 🤍
Our Gatherings are held every Sunday at 1pm EST. Our upcoming Sunday Zoom topics can be found below. Please note that if you do not use your real name to sign up, you will be unenrolled. We also ask that you keep your cameras on during our Lives. As many are aware, there will be no more hiding in 2025. It’s time to step into all that we Are and expand our heart-based Connections with our Soul Families in order to propel us into the next level as a Collective 💫
See you soon 🤍
Sunday, February 9: Multidimensional Navigation & Discernment
The multidimensional world is being illuminated at a very fast pace. As different levels of consciousness become more easily accessible, it is very necessary to expand our perspective in order to establish and maintain a high level of discernment as we navigate uncharted territory moving forward. It’s a lot more simple than you think 🤍
Sunday, February 16: Abundance Pull
Feeling into the New Energy of Abundance with a next-level exercise through guided meditation. This technique has never been taught before because the energy of Abundance that we will be inviting into our hearts has only recently been anchored into this Planetary Sphere 🤍
Sunday, February 23: Harmonizing Childhood
Another brand new technique which transcends time and space to bring our childhoods into full Harmony with the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness. You will need to have moved through our Cosmic Tree Connection on your own or with our group in order to learn how to channel this all-encompassing energy flow through meditation 🤍
Sunday, March 2: Clearing Past & Present Relationships
Moving back to our originally planned content, we will tap back into the Tree Spheres to assist us in clearing residual energy from past (and present) relationships. This works to harmonize our roots so that we are not being pulled in so many directions energetically.
Sunday, March 9: Mirroring
As we move back towards Unity Consciousness as a Planetary Collective, it is SO important to fully innerstand that we are all reflections of one another because we are all part of a greater Whole. Here we will discuss this in depth with some helpful visuals. We will also learn how to use the concept of mirroring to its maximum potential in order to assist in self-reflection, healing, and harmonization processes.
Sunday, March 16: The Triune Brain & The Subtle Bodies
Exploring the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and their associated brain structures. We will learn how anomalies in the subtle bodies may be affecting how we feel and will learn to address them through our Guided Meditation.
How to join us on Thinkific:
• Drop in Live via Sunday Zooms (individual donations)
• OR join our Advanced Series for Full Access plus Replays ($11.11/week OR $44/month)
Sign Up on our Thinkific Home Page
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© CosmicResonance.org by Allora Hazel