Our New Public Zoom Gatherings are accessible through our Thinkific platform. Sign-Up is FREE and Live attendance is Donation-based. We ask that you have begun moving through our previous Cellular Liberation content (also available on Thinkific) before attending our Live Zoom Gatherings. This introduces you to the basics of our co-creative work and helps to build your level of receptivity, resonance, and harmony with the group and with our content itself.
It is also necessary to have established a strong, heart-based connection with a Tree Friend which calls to you. We will be starting every meeting with our Cosmic Tree Connection to kick off each Gathering in full Harmony with the Infinite Spiral of Consciousness. It is helpful to strengthen your Tree Connection within physicality so that you can easily connect and merge at any time energetically. Just do what you can out there in winter 🤍
Our Gatherings are held every Sunday at 1pm EST. We will usually have a dedicated topic which will be posted in our Cellular Liberation Series. we will also share Updates, have Q&As, and discuss whatever is going on that week. Here at Cosmic Resonance, we are highly accustomed to going with the flow 🤍
Further information, Zoom Schedules, and Zoom Links can be found on our Thinkific Homepage below. Please note that if you do not use your real name to sign up, you will be unenrolled. We also ask that you keep your cameras on during our Lives. As many are aware, there will be no more hiding in 2025. It’s time to step into all that we Are and expand our heart-based Connections with our Soul Family to propel us into the next level as a Collective 💫
See you soon 🤍
With Great Love from Allora and the Cosmic Resonance Team
All Rights Reserved. All content may be freely shared with credit to the author and a link to this website.
© CosmicResonance.org by Allora Hazel